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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Learning to listen!

In my first post on Inspiration Point, I noted that it is my belief that life is a time to learn. One of the areas of learning in this life takes place in the form of learning to listen to the Spirit. It's something I feel I'm not very good at, and I have been praying about so that I can become better at it. Mostly I feel like I don't recognize when it's the Spirit prompting me.

Today was one of those days where I am kicking myself (hard) because I didn't recognize the promptings I was receiving as coming from the Holy Ghost, and saw the consequences of not listening in the aftermath of the circumstances.

The Story:
As D was getting ready to leave for work at 6:15 this morning, I felt like I should drive him to his car pool spot. Not seeing a reason as to why I would need our car today, I let that feeling slide, and he took the car to work, leaving me stranded at home without a vehicle (which is usually perfectly fine).

Around 8:30am I received a phone call from my mom (she's was on her way down to St. George on a shuttle van because it was cheaper than it would be for her to drive her own van down, and she doesn't feel comfortable driving that far alone anyway). However, yesterday my mom, my sister, and my nephew got in a car accident, and my mom was feeling pretty uncomfortable in the shuttle due to her achy muscles and joints, but they just happened to be stopping close by my house to refuel the shuttle van and she wanted me to bring her a pillow. Unfortunately, I did not have the car, so I couldn't bring her a pillow to make her ride a little more comfortable (although I did offer to run or ride my bike, but I wouldn't get there in enough time).

I laid in bed for probably 15 minutes after we hung up, because there really wasn't a way for me to help her out (especially because they didn't stop at my exit, but the one just north of where I live), and then I finally decided to get up and shower. As I went into the bathroom, I felt like I should bring my cell phone in with me, but again, I couldn't see a reason as to why I would need to. After showering and getting ready for the day, I checked my phone and saw that I had missed 2 calls and had a voice mail from my mom. As I listened to the message, she sounded distressed, but I couldn't tell exactly what was wrong because the message was choppy and kept cutting out. I called her back immediately, and luckily someone else had been available to come to the aid of my stranded mother. Yes, I said stranded. The driver of the shuttle van had left my poor, hurting, stressed out mom at the gas station!!!! (Hence the 2 phone calls and voice mail I missed from her while I was in the shower.) Luckily, Heavenly Father watches out for us and He will always find someone else to meet our needs when the first person is not available. A nice family from Idaho Falls was on their way down to St. George too, so they picked up my mom and brought her down to Nephi, where should would again be able to meet up with the shuttle van driver.

It's now after 1:00, and my mom made it safely to St. George where she will hopefully be able to spend a few relaxing days hanging out with my brother and two of my nieces.

I still feel awful though that I failed to listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost not once, but twice today!! Although I feel like I failed this test of listening, hopefully this experience is more of a lesson learned rather than a lesson that will need to be repeated over and over again until I finally get the message.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Whom the Lord calls...

D & I got a new bishopric this past Sunday, and it was such an amazing, spiritual experience. We've only been in this Ward for 5 months, and the bishopric was really starting to grow on us (especially Brother Sackett), but we figured we'd be getting a new 2nd counselor soon because our 2nd counselor has been dealing with some pretty severe cancer over the past couple months.

When we saw our entire Stake Presidency sitting on the stand, we figured there were going to be some changes. But, WOW!! What an incredible experience!! When our bishopric was released, and each new name was called, you could feel the Spirit so powerfully!! What's amazing to me is that D and I hardly know these men (some, we don't know at all!), yet the Holy Ghost has the awesome ability to witness to you when something is right (or wrong). There was such an amazing feeling in the chapel that I couldn't help but cry. D kept asking me if I was okay, and of course I was, but I LOVE knowing that "whom the Lord calls he qualifies."

Our new bishop, Bishop Erikson, was called fresh out of the nursery :), and had even sold his home (the home he's been trying to sell for 2 years) the week before he was called as our new bishop, but he and his sweet wife made arrangements to stay in our ward so he could be our new bishop. What an incredible man!

The 1st counselor has been on the high council in our stake, so we've seen him around quite a bit, and he and his wife come to our Sunday school class. We knew he'd be great in the bishopric when we heard his name.

The 2nd counselor is who hit me the hardest though, and I think D as well. He is the sweetest man, and has given me such great support in the calling I have that I find so difficult. He always participates in class and always has wonderful stories and comments to share. Almost every Sunday we teach, he finds his way up to tell me that I did a great job. I really need that kind of support and feedback. It was great to see him sitting on the stand, clean-shaven and all :)

I LOVE that we can always trust our Heavenly Father to put the right people in the right calling at the right time. He knows what He is doing, and I am so glad I can trust Him with anything! Even with knowing that this new bishopric is what our Ward needs at this time. I am so grateful that we were able to attend Church and to come home having a renewed testimony of the confirming power of the Holy Ghost. As we sat and listened to the testimonies of all the men and their wives, we knew this is what Heavenly Father had planned for our Ward. You could see His hand in all of the changes that took place on Sunday. We can't wait to get to know this new bishopric!!